> Subject: Re: Not Lame and Hunter S. Thompson > Message-ID: <20050221180532.63540.qmail@web81401.mail.yahoo.com> > > Bruce is leaving out the fact that it was Thompson who > told him to use the phrase 'Extremely Highly > Recommended' for records he really, really, really > liked. Hunter would have shot ME, not my dog, for utterly such trite phrasings. ;-) btw, read in the Denver paper today, that Jimmy Ibbotsen from the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band--very nice guy, btw, met him a few times back in the days there as he played a lot where my wife worked at the Flying Dog Brewery on Bluegrass nights---had HIS dog shot by Hunter for going on his property. Dog lived and is now 14 yrs old and Jimmy STILL considered him a close friend. Our dog was too old to cross the s treet to make it onto his property, thankfully. But thinking about it, I'm amazed at how many folks in Aspen and Woody Creek over-looked all his many, well what do you call them but faults----and lifted up his talent over those faults. I guess I was the same way when living there. (btw, for the few of you on this list from the early days of Not Lame...1995, 1996, any order you made to NL back then, was shipped from the TINY post office right next to the Woody Creek Tavern, Hunter's haunt.) Bruce @ Not Lame