Cry Cry Cry opening for the Amazing Kreskin, a high school auditorium in Northern New Jersey on a frigid Dec. 31, 1998. Cry Cry Cry (Richard Shindell, Dar Williams, Lucy Kaplansky) played a lengthy set that included a couple encores. Ticked that his opening act had played for so long, Kreskin "predicted" backstage that "Cry" (as he called them) would "be no more" in a year. Upon hearing Kreskin's prediction, Cry Cry Cry accompanist Billy Masters flung open the back door, letting in a woosh of cold air that nearly knocked Kreskin over. Masters then announced, "I predict the Amazing Kreskin will freeze his ass off." Kreskin's Cry Cry Cry prediction came true, btw. The group had planned on calling it quits in a couple months, but their album did so well that they continued touring for a full year. Jim McGuinness