> FINALLY! I was wondering what those songs were from. If I told you how I got my copy, you wouldn't believe it, but suffice it to say that my copy doesn't list the song titles. I know Phototrails (yes -- I like that version more than the released one) and Break Tomorrow's Day is on there too I think, but what are the other songs called? And was the demo called Good Bums and Thieves? Yes, that's the name of the demo tape I bought back in '84. It only has 3 songs - the one you didn't name is "Unheld," and I believe it wasn't re-recorded for the LP like the others (I don't have the record). The sequence on the tape is Unheld / Break Tomorrow's Day / Phototrails. Very low-tech, it was dubbed and sold on a Sony CHF-60 blank tape ($3, I believe). It'd be great to see the album released on CD with the demos as bonus tracks. > Also, does anybody know what became of the bass player? I think has name was Adam. He was really good. I don't know about the bass or guitar, but I'm pretty sure the drummer was Dana Penny. He had played previously with a very cool Long Island surf/punk band called The Immortal Primitives, who I saw open for the Ramones at My Father's Place in Roslyn, NY. Be seeing you, Bill np: The Church "Sing-Songs" EP