> Ned wrote: anyhow... my point (and i do have one) is this: i just today discovered (and ordered me a copy of) "amore" on cd! anyone who is or was a hooters fan owes it to themselves to check out their "true" first album. it's much more upbeat and poppy than their pretentious major-label debut. here's the link: http://home.comcast.net/~thehooters/store.html can't wait til mine shows up in the mail! > Then Michael wrote: Subject: Re: more HOOTERS! and being from Phila, I remember a Hooters instrumental called "Man In The Street" that I thought was pretty cool. @@ Me: Hey guys, Cliff Hillis's brother Roger (God bless 'im) picked up the Amore CD (1983, 2001, Antennae Records) for me three or four years ago and it's truly a classic. There are two bonus cuts on the disc: Man On The Street and a live (1986 at Giants Stadium) version of "Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds", sung by my friend (Hooter's "2nd" bassist") Andy King. I was a, uh, "friend of the band" back then (yeah, that's the ticket!), and we did have one hell of a good time. Miss Cyndi Lauper was around, Robert Hazard and the Heroes (Robert wrote Girls Just Want to Have Fun (with me)), Berue Review, The A's ... man, good times! Anyway, my point is: buy this CD folks! The Hooters really were a pop/ska band at the beginning, and a darn good one. Damn near everyone I know was disappointed with the subsequent Columbia records, though they did establish the band in Europe, where the were HUGE for more years than you'd even believe if I told you! Amazing run. Live Aid, etc. Eric "What If God Was One of Us" Bazilian has been writing great songs for as long as I've known of him, and Andy put out a solo record years ago that I also like very much. Cheers! Jeff T. Del.