Thanks for the cool link. Looking over the descriptions, I see that the Queen Haters sketch remains left off the DVD sets d'oh!.............possibly set 4. I do see that one of the other funniest moments is to be at the end of disc 2 of set 3. Tex leaves Edna Boyle and Edna auditions replacements. How hard can it be? All that is required is minor skills on the Casio while Edna gives her pitch in a very flat monotone followed by a confirming "That's right,Edna" when she finishes. One of the people she auditions is a Keith Emerson type played by Rick Moranis. He twiddles away on a bank of keyboards and synths for a few minutes and then answers (in a British accent) with "Thets roight ,Edna". It's over before it even begins but it had me on the floor when it originally aired. -r > For those wanting to find more info on the show, episodes, etc. check this out: > > > > > > Scott S