me: (though I must confess I never "got" Ghostbuster's huge appeal) Jamie Two things: Bill Murray when he still had the Caddyshack-funny-era schtick going.....and a very young, and green, Rick Moranis. Fair enough. It's been a long time since I've seen it (when it was released actually). In fact, I had forgotten Moranis was even in it. On the other side SCTV comedy spin off successes or lack there of....and still staying way off topic still (sorry)... Remember when "Strange Brew" came out? It was pretty much panned left and right. I have a friend who's taste's I tend to trust, swears it's hilarious. I somehow have not taken the "daring" plunge to rent it...Is this a misunderstood gem? I know, it's SUCH a risk I'd be taking to rent it and find this out for myself but somehow I've never pulled the trigger.... Yeah, SCTV was a great show. Later Kid's in the Hall was a very funny too. The Chicken Lady is one of the many oddly fascinatingly funny characters from that show. You darn Canadians!! ;) Steve D. NP: Scott (not Canadian) Walker "In My Room" from "In Five Easy Pieces"