AT Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 11:34:39 Josh wrote: >Am I the only one here who is luke warm to them? Without getting into a heated debate about taste I am LESS than luke warm to REM. Liked some of the early singles: "Superman", "Orange Crush". And then they not only lost their religion but me caring much at that point. I just wish the material wasn't so friggin' slow and boring -- and Stipe's obtuse lyrical deconstruction is infuriating (same malady that afflicts Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip). I had high hopes they'd break out of their malaise and cut a groove one day to become the rock band that seemed to be bubbling underneath all those years. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia