In 1974 I was in the audience when at Duke University, at that time a self proclaimed bastion of hipness, a stoned/drunken Hunter Thompson (should that be hyphenated?) engaged the audience, obviously expecting a show, in a bit more intensive banter than this carpetbagging student body could take. The audience turned as nasty as a Fear & Loathing acid flashback and booed & taunted until the management yanked (mistakenly, IMO) HST off the stage. New reports at the time (and there were lots) laid the blame on Thompson. But I was there, and this was a crowd who didn't appreciate their oh-so-hipness shoved back in their faces. Of course he'd egged the crowd on, uttering a few provacative phrases but I couldn't fathom how anyone whe'd read his writings didn't get the joke - but it's so true that no one's as humorless as left wing politicos. Anyway, ~40 who did get it joined Thompson afterward on the back lawn outside the auditorium which quickly evolved - and moved to a nearby bar - into one of the most politically enlightenly evenings of my life. Few could discuss politics as sharply as a barely coherent HST. Oh well, as uncle Walt used to say, "We Have Met The Enemy and He Is Us" - michael