Man, I sort of hate that band. No, make that Fee Waybill. I ran into them a few times...Before they had a record out, they were trying to get Rick Wakeman to produce them. We were interviewing Wakeman, and I was watching him get shirtfaced before his gig! For some reason the Tubes decided we were holding up their deal and started throwing stuff at us... Around the same time we went to what was suppose to be the filming of a pilot for a local SF rock tv show. Oh, who was the guy who was doing it? I've forgotten now. Anyway it was a mess. The Tubes kept screwing up their songs, and spent hours with out ever getting anything good. They just kept playing faster and faster. Worse there was one of their dancers who said she knew me, but for the life of me could not place her face. Maybe cause she was standing there in her underwear. The Rowan Bros got really pissed off and stormed out before they ever got a chance to play. We interviewed Fee, Bill and Roger at some point, but it really was just a monologue from Fee. What a dork. They ultimately sold out to get a hit. That record is just Toto backing Fee!!! Prairie Prince was a nice guy, and the two guitar players were ok. I just could never understand that 'theater rock" stuff. And now it looks like it's happening again. Scissors Sisters anyone? It's that whole Rocky Horror generation...ack rs -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records The Donovan's Brain Web Site