a few years ago, Kaz and I took the great Canadian Rockies holiday between a wedding and Garage Shock. In Jasper, we took a hike up to "the Tea House". On our peaceful trek, we heard the distinct sound of a high powered gun fired off the trail. This was a big surprise, 'cause in Canada they don't usually behave like that. We finally made it up to the "Tea House" only to realize, every one else had taken a tour bus! Heading back down to town we passed the esteemed Raul Duke and an aging hippie woman. The Dr had a patch on one eye, which we later looked into, just to make sure it wasn't a tribute band. His hippy friend was a couple of steps ahead of him on the trail, looking more than a little upset. As he passed us, our faces must have shown our surprise. With his one good eye, he acknowledged us and shrugged. tilting his head towards the uptight woman. We just about fell off the trail, realizing the source of the target practice round. There is another story about his visit to Bozeman, but as I wasn't there you'll have to ask Colter, who was his "handler" that day... RS -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records www.CareerRecords.com The Donovan's Brain Web Site www.Donovans-Brain.com