. If you visit the Jackdaw4 website (www.jackdaw4.com) and ask Rob nicely, you too may be able to snag copies of these additional goodies from the same team. Brioohs I was lucky enough to have traded with the band for a copy of my own. I still haven't heard their take on my CD(JTG Implosion)but I immediatley let them know what a treat their disc is. Every song has it's charm, but "The Day I Wrote The Book" is Jellyfish meets Elvis Costello, all the way.. "Everything I See" is the heaviest song and f-ing rocks like Saigon Kick did. "Karaoke Ballet" is AMAZING and probably my fave on the record...insane chord progressions and long lines of melody swim in a Jelly-Beatle-ELO world. This was in my top 5 last year and damn near #1. Great band, great guys... support 'em! later, joe