Hey folks, got this note from The Kings rep. It would be coool to get them in the poll. So go vote! Ya'll remember your favorite song and mine, "Switchin' To Glide" - So help it get the fame it deserves! Love, wiz -------: Hey Kings fans, now is the time for all good fans to come to the aid of The Kings party! CBC Radio is compiling a list of the top 50 songs in Canadian history and don't you think Beat/Switchin' should be there? Yeah! Dang right! SO, contact them at 50tracks@cbc.ca for email, and you can also phone in and leave a message at 1.866.899.3696. The show is on Radio One at 11am. That is 99.1 in Toronto and you can find it all across the great white north! The panel have already suggested "High School Confidential" and "Rise Up"! These monkeys need a dose of rock and roll! SO VOTE KINGS!!!!