(11) Ocean Blue - Ticket To Wyoming Allen Clapp of the Orange Peels did some production work on the new Ocean Blue CD, and boy, does this have an Orange Peels vibe! (12) Robert Crenshaw - Everyone's In Love With You First heard this song in demo form on one of brother Marshall's CDs. This version is aamazing! (13) Fantastic DeeJays - Shy Girl The DeeJays eventually morphed into the Swamp Rats, but whereas the Rats were Pittsburgh's Stones, the DeeJays were more Beatlesque. If you can find an original LP for less than $1000, you're doing good! Oh, the DeeJays were a three-man lineup - two guitars and drums...no bass! (14) Los Bravos - Going Nowhere There was life after "Black Is Black." From the Nuggets II box set. (15) Johnny Rhythm & The Dimestore 45s - Somedays Everything Sounds Like David Byrne Before The Breakup Society, before the Frampton Brothers or Charm School Confidential, this was Ed Masley's nom-de-plume. From the fabulous cassette-only release "Bud's Gun Shop." (16) Reverend Picklefist - Into Your Arms (unreleased) When Marc LaGamba was 15 years old, he was the lead guitarist in my band The UpBeats, playing a bunch of 60's songs in the 80's. Marc grew up, bought bigger amps, and discovered Shudder To Think. Here's his "shuddering" take on the Lemonheads song. From the unreleased second Picklefist CD... (17) Jason Falkner - I Live After this song comes a few songs done in my home studio on 4 and 8 track. So I thought I'd kick things off with Jason's song from his home studio 4-track. (18) The UpBeats - Peppermint (demo) I tried to combine Tommy James and the 1910 Fruitgum Company when writing this song. We should have used the VOX Continental instead of the Yamaha DX7. We'll do that on the finished version one of these days. Written, produced and engineered by me on the 4-track. (19) Tim Reiser - The Bitter End (unreleased) After Tim used my VOX 12 string Phantom on this song, he didn't wanna give it back! One of these days, I gotta get him to do an album. Produced and engineered by me, recorded on the 4-track. (20) Manifold Splendour - Flood Plains Probably the last thing they recorded before breaking up for two days and reforming as Life In Bed minus lead singer Emily. Produced and engineered by me, recorded on the 8-track, which died shortly after the band. It was resurrected many months (and many dollars) later, which sealed the deal to get Pro Tools...