Hiya kids! Here's what to expect on my SOTT 19 entry. "All Over The Dial" (1) Rooney - Stay Away There's probably some other good songs on Rooney's CD...I'm still stuck on this song and "I'm Shakin'". (2) Mosquitoes - I Know A Secret Got this off a cassette from former Frampton Brother Sean Lally. Would like to hear more by these guys! (3) Nashville Ramblers - The Trains Got this off Bomp's "The Roots of Powerpop." Just seemed like a great track to follow the Mosquitoes. (4) Jon Harrison & The Hustlers - You Don't Want That Great poppy 60's garage song that no one seems to know anything about...not even Billy Spradlin! (5) Distant Cousins - To Have And To Hold After all these years, the song I knew only as "The Pretty Song From Frankenstein Meets The Space Monster" finally has a real name... (6) Mark Bacino - Sunny Day I love "remember when" songs, and this one's a beaut. Mark Bacino's two CDs - for me, anyway - are rare birds...an album I can play all the way through without skipping any tracks. (7) Jill Sobule - Cinnamon Park Speaking of "remember when" songs, Chicago's "Saturday in the Park" always reminds me of...well...Saturday in the park back in the day. Jill takes the riff and paints a picture of a slightly different Saturday. (8) LFO - 28 Days AAAGH! EVIL BOY BAND ALERT! I alwayds liked bands aimed at the teen girl market over the years...The Monkees, Osmonds, etc. Heck, I even liked New Kids on the Block. But the Backstreet Boys and N"Sync sounded souless to me. But these guys are different - their stuff has the soul. And this tune namechecks Jack & Diane and Sharona... (9) Puffy Ami Yumi - V.A.C.A.T.I.O.N. Nope - it's not a cover of the Go-Gos or Connie Francis. Sounds like the riff from Gary Lewis' "Green Grass" mashed up with parts of the Tradewinds' "New York's A Lonely Town." And it's in Japanese... (10) Patty Duke - One Kiss Away Some folks back in the day thought it was Lesley Gore who sang "What's On Your Mind." This song also sounds like a Lesley Gore classic. (part 2 to follow)