Mark E. wrote: Jeff, I think Gene was stating that we are not actively or regularly playing our vinyl collection. It would seem that ripping it to CD-R would lead to even less need to play the vinyl versions. I say: Absolutely understood, Mark, and you're quite right. I replied too quickly without fully considering the context in which Gene posted. Indeed, once I've committed the vinyl rip to CD-R, there's no need to play the vinyl anymore, since, hopefully, I've captured that sound on the CDR. Then again, there's no chance of the vinyl deteriorating any further because I won't be playing it anymore. Thanks for straightening me out, kind sir. and Randall wrote: Do you have a scanner large enough to handle an album cover? I don't, and I'm not skilled enough to merge a few scans together seamlessly. I answer: No, I have to do two scans, but Photoshop does allow for an easy meld of the two images. Then I shrink it down to cd jewel case size. Not really as hard as it all sounds, and tons of fun, for me, anyway. I enjoy this stuff. I guess it's pretty much become another hobby of sorts. Once you get rolling along, it's really not all that time-consuming. Randall also wrote: That Sam Phillips album could very well sound better your way. I *love* "The Indescribable Wow" and have only ever had the CD, but when I listened to it recently, it sounded kind of . . . harsh. I reply: Yes, it really does sound great, and I, too, thought the disc sounded harsh (although it is mixed "high" to begin with). What a way-ahead-and-out-of-it's-time recording. I'd gladly send ya one, but I didn't make an exact copy, as I've got some "rare" Sam and other stuff that I've kinda been mashing together over a series of discs. I could send ya an mp3 though, via email, so you could check it out. Let me know off-list which track you want. Randy and Stewart: both wrote to tell me that Dead Letter Office is MOST DEFINITELY out on cd and has been since the beginning. Man, where have I been? I just completely missed that somehow. I swear I thought it hadn't been released on CD (or I wouldn't have embarassed myself by asking the questions!) Thanks, guys. I'll figure out how it is that I didn't know this. Geez, what an obviously big hole in my cranial database. My vinyl record doesn't contain the Chronic Town EP, just 15 b-sides. Okay, I'm learning here ... Finally, I just really want to go to Skip's house and visit his attic full of turntables! All meant in good fun and, really, self-deprecation, as it seems my strange life has left me in a position to do nothing (at times, for right now, anyway) but mess around with all this viny to digital stuff. I finished ripping and burning all my irreplaceable cassette stuff last year (now THAT was hard). There are no longer any cassettes (nor a deck) at my house. Now if I could just get down to digitizing my VHS collection . Jeff T. De.