I've been playing mostly vinyl at home, but I use the iPod everywhere else. To be able to put your entire record collection on this thing and then hit 'shuffle' makes all my childhood dreams of having a jukebox nearly come true. I actully didn't want it at first, but I've been won over(brainwashed?). I may come up with my SOTT mix via the iPod in shuffle. Ya never know. In any case, I've recently discovered some obscure delights: The British Casuals: Very Best Of- One mild hit in the UK, "Jesamine", was all they had but I really like the early Bee Gee's styled arrangements and the Lead vocalist is pretty darn good. Out of 25 or so songs about 15 made it to the iPod. Not bad. The Honeybus: discussed ad nauseum on this list at some point I beleive. Pete Dello's voice is very Pete Ham-ish and so are some of the songs from their later works. I heard "I Can't Let Maggie Go", and that sold me. If you've not heard this beautiful song you can probably find it via p2p. I recently traded for the 2 cd set on Castle? so I haven't heard all of it yet, but the first disc had about 27 songs and about 20 of them hit the iPod...as if that's the new standard. That's all for now. later, joe www.jtgimplosion.com www.kingfriday.com