Well, being older than dirt (well, feeling that way somedays, anyway), the soundtracks of my life point to groups I got into from radio and TV appearances. Other than the Beatles, which is its own soundtrack, it was the Association that was the prevailing musical force when I was growing up. I just loved their incredible vocal sound, and I awaited each of their albums with great anticipation. I remember listening to the left and right channels separately during "Windy" to hear the separation of harmonies. I still get chills up my spine hearing certain of their songs ("I'll Be Your Man" comes immediately to mind), and I remember their appearance on the Smothers Brothers TV show, singing "Everything that Touches You" against a backdrop of clouds. Of course, to this day, it's the vocal harmonies that do it for me every time, which is why, after the Association, it's the Hollies and the like. There's no instrument as expressive and thrilling as the human voice. Alan http://www.buhdge.com