One thing I will say about the Smithereens, and I have no scientific evidence to back it up. But I think that given the timing of their best releases and the timing of the arrival and adoption of CD technology, they are a band about whom a vastly disproportionate number of fans/purchasers would say, "I have the records but never replaced them with CD copies." Which in a practical sense means they command a low "share of ear" even among their fans. (Another band I'd say the same about: Stray Cats.) All this talk reminded me of how much I (used to) like them, and how often I listened to them. Had a friend who had a fling with a girl who had a fling with DiNizio. so we're practically related. Yet now my vinyl is in storage and all I have is a sort of unfulfilling anthology. Oh, and Smithereens 11, which I ought to dig out.