Jst a few: Crash into June - "From Blind to Blue" Cotton Mather - "Kontiki" Diggers -"Mount Everest" Hoodoo Gurus - "Stoneage Romeos" Love Nut - "Bastards of Melody" / "Baltimucho" Mayflies USA - "Summertime" Odds - "Nest" The Rooks - s/t Shazam -s/t, "godspeed the..." Splitsville - "Repeater" Superdrag - "Head trip in every key" >... I want to send a couple of discs to a Silver Sun fan that might expose him to >more power pop stuff. He likes harmonies, but I don't want to lose him with a "wimpy" >selection. I can safely assume that he's aware of the bigger commercial releases in >the genre.