There were some posts here last year (or prior) about different versions of Ivy's "Realistic" CD (or was it Apartment Life?). The production was apparently different on the cds put out by alternate labels and the versions of certain songs sounded better on one than the other -- i recall dramatic differences being discussed......not just the sound quality (which I'm not that picky about), but it seemed that some songs had been totally rearranged. Sorry if this is a vague inquiry, but can someone refresh my memory on this matter? I recall that Stewart Mason may have been involved in the old conversations. I own "Realistic" on Seed from 1994 and "Apartment Life" on Atlantic from 1997. Do i need to buy something else here to improve my lot? i hunted a bit on Amazon and did notice some reissues, but can't tell from customer reviews which ones are supposed to be best, and have forgotten the gist of the discourse that occurred here. Thanks for the help, Stuart