Good call Bob...Icycle Works always seemed a bit underrated to me. Like the band. "Understanding Jane" was and is a fave of mine. I remember Robbie and Kenny pulled that one out of the air at one of their 267 inches of Love tour a few years back. Surprised the heck out of me! I think most people relate IW to "Whisper to a Scream" and that's all. They had many more good tracks. Mark wrote: Thanks for the tip-off about Futureheads, folks, I'll need to check them out. And a big "Hats Off" top Mr Bennett for his efforts in compiling the annual top 20 (or top 50), always entertaining. Glad to see the Scottish bands doing well this year. One band I was listening to over the weekend - I think a lot of people here would like them, but I can't remember ever hearing any discussion on them - the Icicle Works. OK, the arrangements and singing may seem bombastic by today's standards, but a lot of their songs are classic pop - "Understanding Jane", "Evangeline", "Travelling Chest", "Don't Let it Rain on My Parade", there are many more. Any other fans of this band around here? Bob --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'