OK, I'll bite: Sunshine Barato- Mosquitos (Happily found that they are scheduled to play the Tin Angel in Philly in Feb, as I was bummed I missed them the last time they played here-there) About a Boy STK- Badly Drawn Boy (This had been skating around my head for days- finally found it in a pile of CDs and put it on repeat, but there are still figger 8ths in my noggin!) Cursing myself for not getting tickets sooner --Keane is sold out at the 'Lectric Factory next Friday, but Cliff tells me our pals the Jellybricks are at the Grape, so that takes some of the sting out. Anyone have any thoughts about Kings of Convenience? Not to be confused with Kings of Leon, who were all over "Stuck On You" which I watched last night and then watched all over again with the commentary on, something I have never done before. Call it "homesick for a New England accent" or just wanting to know more about the movie, it was very cool how the Farrelly Bros seem genuinely into the music that goes into their movies. I had already had a soft spot for them for that, since Ivy and Andy Chase are always represented (even though some of the potty humor of their movies I could do without) but it was also cool to hear them talk about how great a song like "Alone Again, Naturally" by Gilbert O'Sullivan is. My kinda guys! beth