I just picked up an LP from 1977 called "Dawning Day", by C.B. Victoria. It's an album I used to have, but foolishly got rid of in my big purge of 1993. The album is a nice mix of originals and covers, with a sound kind of in a Colin Blunstone (solo, not Zombies) vein. What's most interesting about the LP, for me anyway, is that Mr. Victoria does a cover of "To Claudia On Thursday", the song originally done by The Millennium. This of course was way before the recent rediscovery of The Millennium by way of resurrecting the memory of Curt Boettcher, so I wonder how the song came to his attention? The album was recorded in Toronto and Victoria's management was in Vancouver. I noticed an entry for him in Jaimie Vernon's on-line Canadian pop encyclopedia, although there was no bio. Given that the bios are being updated on the site, I wonder if Mr. Vernon can shed some light on this gent? Do tell! -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David