Green Day reminds me too much of the Dickies, but without a sense of humor. --Ken On 1/16/05 12:28 PM, "Sherman" wrote: > Hey Josh, > > I listen to Green Day's "American Idiot" and I hear power pop, not punk. > Except that Billie Jo does an imitation of Johnny Rotten for a bit on an early > song. > > I think we've been through the discussion many times here and I can't imagine > a valid argument that supports taking away your privilege to hate any CD that > turns up on the poll. > > I use the poll results to guide me to CD's I had not heard of. I take a > gamble, I win some and I lose some. I bought The Model Rockets album in 2002 > and loved it, some other stuff I listened to a couple of times and then put on > the shelf. > > > See ya, > Sherman > > NP: "Some Fantasic Place", Squeeze