I just got back from 10 days in Florida, and boy are my arms tired (wait, that didn't come back right), so I've got a few things that I wanted to comment on.. 1. Razorlight -- saw this band on Letterman while I was there. Almost picked up their CD at Virgin Megastore because it was $9.99. I know I had *heard* the song they performed before that show, but can't place exactly where (it could have been online, could have been on Indie 103.1). I can't find any sound clips online that work (the ones on their official site lock up my browser). Anyone know much about them? 2. American Hi-Fi -- The in-flight radio channel on the way home from Florida had a channel where tracks from from American Hi-Fi's CD were played. I think there were 4. I know I'd heard some buzz about them on here and was somewhat impressed by the songs. It kind of reminded me of the Get Up Kids. It mentioned that the CD is out already but I dont think it is. At least not legally. 3. Bright Eyes -- I have several friends who are into Bright Eyes. I really don't know a LOT about them but apparently the guy has two CD's coming out at the end of the month. One that is more of a country/folk CD and the other is more rock/power pop. From what I've heard of his stuff so far, I'll most likely check out at least one of these two releases. 4. Paste magazine -- I know my friend Jodi subscribes(d?) to this magazine but I picked up a copy of the Dec/Jan 05 issue while I was there. It already always came with a free CD in each issue but now starting with the current one, subscribers only will get a DVD as well with music videos and excerpts from other music DVDs. The current issue features videos by Jem and Elvis Costello, along with several others. that is all Arthur http://www.thepickle.net/