My Top 11 of 2004 1. Brian Wilson - Smile. No contest. And I’m probably one of the least Wilsophantic people on this list. Smile far exceeded my expectations. Yeah, it’s goofy in spots, but dazzling in so many more. 2. Tears For Fears - Everybody Loves A Happy Ending. Would be comeback of the year, if not for BDW. This should be all over the radio, the way Songs from the Big Chair was (not just one song in the Adult Top 40). 3. Lolas - Something You Oughta Know. Sound has matured. Very impressive. The title track is one of my songs of the year. 4. Zinedines - Take Me Take Me. Where the hell did this come from? Yeah, I know – Spain, but woah! I think this makes a better sequel to Godspeed the Shazam than either of the Shazam’s subsequent releases. Can’t wait for the next one! 5. Cloud Eleven - Terrestrial Ballet. Eligible? Don’t care. These are his throwaways? Bastard. 6. DJ Dangermouse - The Grey Album. If you’re having girl problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems and the RIAA’s one. 7. Jon Brion - I Heart Huckabees. New songs with words from JB. Need more! 8. Elliott Smith - From A Basement On A Hill. Twilight is amazing. The rest are decent too. 9. Morrissey - You Are The Quarry. Nice to hear something new and even listenable from the Moz. Would be comeback of the year, if not for BDW and TFF. 10. Cardigans - Long Gone Before Daylight. Don’t know if this is eligible, as it was an import last year. Last year I said I wasn’t wild about it, but now it’s grown on me. 11. Matthew Sweet - Living Things. This is really good – better than In Reverse, I think. Disappointments: Falkner - Bliss Descending. Could have been called Quality Descending. Nirvana - With The Lights Out. A few interesting demos, a lot of boring filler. Magnetic Fields - i. Has the acclaim from 69 Love Songs has spoiled Stephin Merritt? R.E.M. - Around the Sun. Maybe time for one of my favorite bands to call it a day? g .