I agree with the person (I forgot who posted this sorry!) who said that you either dig Macca or you don't. I like 'Press to Play'. I think the songs are really good. I think the "up the moment" production from 1985 sounds silly, but it is a record of it's time. I like 'Driving Rain' a lot, though "Freedom" is silly, I just skip it. 'Driving Rain' sounds a lot more upbeat to me than "flaming pie'. Listening to 'flaming Pie' now, it sounds like an album of love songs to his dying wife. And hey "Ode to a Koala Bear" is awesome! I love that tune! Not the most serious tune, but does everything have to be? "Ebony & Ivory" is essentially a children's song, and a brilliant one at that. Maybe I see this tune this way since I teach K-5 general music, but a lot of Beatles/McCartney songs really work great as childrens music. I could defend all his stuff, but I am a blind fan. On another note, what about the nostalgia factor? Everyone has so many memories with artists that have been around a long time that how could anything they do match up to something they did when you were young and just discovering music? John Ashfield www.thebobbleheads.com