"He's the indie-rock Sasquatch" -- NEW YORK TIMES "A must for alt-music obsessives." -- Geoff Pevere, TORONTO STAR "The farthest of the far-out ...the ultimate rock star, so pure he is no star at all, fading in and out of sight like a dream." -- Carl Wilson, GLOBE AND MAIL BEST DOCUMENTARY -- Raindance Film Festival, London UK FILMSWELIKE proudly present the first Canadian theatrical screenings of Chad Freidrichs’ “JANDEK ON CORWOOD” January 18, 20, 25, 26 and 27 at the Staircase Café Theatre in Hamilton February 4, 5 and 6 at the Royal Cinema in Toronto GARY PIG GOLD will be attending the January 27 and February 4 screenings for Q & A’s regarding his appearance in the film, and also highly recommends you stick around for the post-screening party on 2/4 at Mitzi’s Sister in Toronto, featuring performances by ANDREW HAUGHTON, EDGAR BREAU and VELOURA CAYWOOD. for more information: www.filmswelike.com www.staircase.org www.jandekoncorwood.com "JESSICA SIMPSON, HE'S NOT" -- Bruce Mowat, GLOBE AND MAIL