So sadly, that makes two. Unfortunately, Paul, like many musicians (successful and unsuccessful) have fallen into that mental trap that if they created it, it automatically must be great. Self criticism, self-doubt and checks and balances don't exist in that world. - Mike On Monday, January 17, 2005, at 02:34 PM, Miguel Motta wrote: > I can't understand how his (McCartney) new material > is so pitifully weak and boring. McCartney needs someone he respects to > tell him to cut out the shite (Lennon seemed to be the only one who > pulled this off).... > > I think I shared this here once, but George Martin also had that > authority with McCartney... During the "Tug of War" sessions Martin > actually stood up to the Macca ego and after auditioning the songs he > had slated for the album indicated which ones were good and which ones > weren't... Also, during the recording process he made Macca perform > many track takes and is quoted to have said (paraphrasing) "We have to > do this right so that the final product makes you look good"... So > yes, besides Lennon, George Martin is one of the counted few who > could/can afford not to be one of his "yes" men... > > >