Let me start by saying this has been a great year in pop music for me! I think there were way too many worthy releases and to list them in some kind of order has made me a little bit crazy (ier?) I went down the list of 2004 releases and wrote down so many titles I almost didn’t bother trying to do this. But it’s my duty as a long-standing Auditeer, it HAS to be done, every vote counts…etc. (I'm not putting SIlver Sun on here because their label says official release is 2005) Let me preface by saying that I’m now so crazed I’m rushing this out so I may be missing some and that thought kills me. But it’s now or never, so here I go: 1.Eugene Edwards “My Favorite Revolution” I toyed with leaving TallBoy releases off of my list because it’s a little corny to vote for my own babies, but in all honesty, as close as I am to this record, as much as I’ve listened to it in the course of mastering, sequencing, promoting, etc. etc. it NEVER gets old for me and I am always discovering new little details in the recording. It’s not a complex record, but it’s honest, and real. 2.Cliff Hillis “Better Living Through Compression” (Is this where I lose all credibility as an objective writer?) Again, this record passed the test of being played over and over at the house…er offices…here and it just plain rocks. I considered splitting number one between this and Gene’s record, but in the end the scales tipped ever so slightly in Gene’s favor. 3. Michael Carpenter “Rolling Ball” So prolific, but the records get better and better with each release. 4. John Hoskinson “Miscellaneous Heathen” As many have said “I Hope I Die Before You Do” might be the best love song of 2004. 5. The Bees “Free The Bees” Recommended to me by Brian Young after he discovered it on a trip to the UK. Despite sounding like garage indie pop from 1967, this is my favorite dance record this year. 6. A.C. Newman “The Slow Wonder” Reminds me of a long drive up 395 last summer. Love the drumming on this one. 7. Fancey “S/T” The 70’s details make this one work for me. 8. The Well Wishers “Twenty-Four Seven” Been a fan of Jeff’s stuff for YEARS! I remember seeing him do an instore with The Spinning Jennies…man…mid 90s? Anyway, was really glad to see him continue with this new project. “See For the First Time” is a classic album opener. 9. The Get Up Kids “Guilt Show” I know it’s lame to say it but I can’t believe this isn’t on more lists!! Damn this is good! “Wouldn’t Believe It” is my fave song of the year. Why didn’t I rate this album higher? It does get a little samey sounding after a while. But still tops in its genre. 10. The Bigger Lovers “This Affair Never Happened…” These guys are master song-writers. I always love a band with multiple singers/song-writers who can actually mesh it all together. Can't wait for record number 4. And the rest…. 11. King Radio “Are You The Sick Passenger” SpiritHouse Records 12. The Features “Exhibit A” Universal 13. Futureheads “S/T” Sire 14. Kenny Howes “Lady Friend” Yeah! Records (another one I’m surprised hasn’t made the cut on more lists) 15. Alva Star “Escalator” 16. Jellybricks “Power This” 17. Ken Stringfellow “Soft Commands” 18. Velvet Crush “Stereo Blues” (Second best opening song on a cd this year) 19. Casper and the Cookies “Oh” 20. OH YEAH and The Killers “Hot Fuss” I was late to the party for: Spoon, Rooney, Waltham, The 88, The Long Winters but now I love them all. Fave songs “Rent a Cop” Ben Folds, “Common People” William Shatner version (really because of Joe Jackson,) “Wouldn’t Believe It” The Get Up Kids Just now hearing, jury is still out: Butch Walker “Letters”, Snow Patrol, Keane Band I'll miss the most...ARLO. DAMN THEM FOR BREAKING UP SO EARLY (but check out http://www.yesdear.com for a decent offshoot) ===== Anna Borg AIM: cakeab TallBoy Records P.O. Box 27757 Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757 http://www.tallboyrecords.com