Hi Gang. Once again Stewart Mason is on the money. Thanks for the tip on Sodastream (whose name *really* doesn't fit the music, imho) I've listened to a few clips (lots on Amazon) and will keep an eye out for their stuff. I was thinking they sounded a bit like Will Oldham in places (and agree w/other speculations of Elliot Smith) and then lo, while researching Sodastream I see they are on the new-ish Will Oldham (aka Palace, Bonnie Prince...etc) tribute I recently heard about. Here's a link to info on the 2 CD tribute: http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/record-reviews/o/oldham_will/i-am-a-cold-rock.shtml Yikes, I only recognize about half the 15 acts on the first disc and zero on the 2nd. Anyhoo, I love the downbeat, moody, woozy music and I definately heard a cello so...I'm there. Still, all 4 cd's Stewart? I'm kind of thinking that like, say, Low, one or two might do. That said, I know the ferver that overtakes one upon the discovery of something remarkable. see ya, Judith