> NotLame strikes again - twice! > > The new Cars tribute disc is great! I actually enjoy most of the covers > more than the originals - the Cars were always a bit too keyboardy IMHO - > this album takes the songs and pumps them full of guitars. > > The 2CD Wanderlust comp is going straight into my end-of-year list, great > stuff. The songs are fab and it all (both CDs) sounds really well > produced, nothing that sounds like it couldn't have been an official > release back at the time it was completed. One minor gripe - these is a > lack of biographical info on the background to these tracks, e.g. why is > one CD titled "The Album" and the other CD called "The Compilation". > Bruce, could you enlighten us at all on this? Hey Bob! "the album" was the shelved album they were working on for RCA before they got dumped for getting tons of airplay ont he radio and selling 50, 000 copies of their first record. A grave, unforgiveable crime. The second one is a comp of tracks they continued to work on after they dumped the second album and some leftovers from around the first one, too. Peace, Bruce @ Not Lame