2. Response to Ken Kase -- my comment about Nellie McKay in comparison to Lee, Shore and London (the singers, not the law firm) was as a vocalist, not as a songwriter. However, you may want to double check your facts -- Peggy Lee did a little songwriting in her time. Yeah, she wrote a bit, but I still don't see the context. Which brings me to a point I've been thinking about for awhile: Why are female artists constantly compared to one another? Most criticism I've read about women in music tends to over-rely on comparisons to other female artists. I think McKay's music is a strong argument against such ghettoization, She has more in common with Oscar Brown, Tom Leher and Joni Mitchell than with Lee, Shore & London (Esq.) Just a thought, Michael. Take it for what it's worth. -- Ken Kase Editor www.nighttimes.com / Night Times, LLC On 1/7/05 1:49 PM, "Michael Bennett" wrote: > 2. Response to Ken Kase -- my comment about Nellie > McKay in comparison to Lee, Shore and London (the > singers, not the law firm) was as a vocalist, not as a > songwriter. However, you may want to double check > your facts -- Peggy Lee did a little songwriting in > her time.