As usual, reading the back and forth here with interest. Franz Ferdinand are fine...we have the record here at home, but it wouldn't be in my top 20 by any stretch. What I DO like and appreciate about them is their image, their excitement, their sass, their sense of PERFORMING, their hard work, and their manipulation of image. I find the record a bit boring after a while, though. Dogs Die in Hot Cars...this is really surprising to me, that it's ranking so high. NOT A DIG ON ANYONE'S TASTE!!! But...I had read recommendations and heard a song on the radio, so I was into buying it. After about 20 listens, my interest steadily declined in this record. I actually went from REALLY loving it and over-playing it, to actually cringing when I hear any of it now. The lyrics are kind of trite (what is this song about Catherine Zeta Jones? And Pilates?? that seems lame to me.) This review TOTALLY summed up my exact feelings on this record. It's just not a keeper in my book. I do like the Killers record a lot, though, so I'm not totally anti-nu new wave or anything. Nellie McKay seems okay, and kind of fun, but also too much of a novelty act. This will probably change, but she seems too uppity to keep this going. Also, seems like a lot of her press is based on lies (not just the age thing) so how much faith should I have? She'll have to prove herself a little more before I totally jump on the bandwagon. (I will confess to having a bit of an "anti female singer" thing in my music collection, but there's some wiggle room if she plays nice.) The rest of the Audities poll looks pretty decent to me... I mean, Hell, my two releases are 2 and 3 AFTER FREAKIN' "SMILE" so I must be doing something right. I have to say that Stewart did bring a little tear to my eye by dissing BOTH my bands in different posts, but eh...I'm assuming that's only because Mr. Shelton happened to mention them both in his, and that it wasn't a personal dig. How can anyone not give a shit about Eugene Edwards? To know him is to love him. And regarding Michael Carpenter..."Rolling Ball" is by far his most ambitious, personal, and varied album to date. Maybe it was too much for his regular audience? I don't know. It is weird that it's not even top 20 Audities material. I guess it goes to show, if you haven't voted yet, it's time to jump in the game. Uh...but keep my releases in the 2 and 3 positions, if you please. BWAHA HA HA HA HA (evil laugh as she exits) anna Anna Borg AIM: cakeab TallBoy Records P.O. Box 27757 Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757