As always, this is with the admonition that there's way too much I haven't listened to that's new. I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't even realize that Ed James had a new CD out -- it would almost assuredly make my Top 20, as I love his previous work. Minor comments only, as I'm trying to get this done in between other things at work to beat the deadline. (I don't have the album titles in my notes either, sorry) 1. Zutons 2. Dogs Die in Hot Cars 3. Michael Carpenter -- Rolling Ball - although I like the alternate version almost as much 4. Eugene Edwards 5. Grip Weeds 6. Eytan Mirsky 7. Modest Mouse 8. Telepathic Butterflies 9. Franz Ferdinand 10. Ted Leo 11. Rockfour 12. Fastball 13. Brian Wilson - SMiLe -- I didn't listen to this as much as I thought I would 14. Scissor Sisters -- although several of the tracks now get skipped regularly 15. Loretta Lynn 16. Keane -- would be higher if it was actually by Travis instead of sounding like them 17. McFly -- Anybody who knows me knows that I have to have a bubblegum pop album in any list of my favorites for the year 18. Wanderlust -- not as strong to my ears as Prize, but what could be? Would probably be higher had I had more time to learn it 19. Eddie Spaghetti -- eMusic strikes again -- never heard of him before, saw it recommended, and listen to it quite a bit 20. Mulberry Lane -- Christmas album -- my 8 year old made me promise to include this, as it's his "favorite CD EVER" I also enjoyed two E.P.s this year : Evan and Jaron's Half Dozen and S'cool Girls S/T I've seen some people put Evan and Jaron as an album, but there's only 6 new songs on the disc at less than 30 minutes, and discussions in past years have had discs this short put as E.P.s. If it IS considered an album, it would be at #16, with the others scooting down one.