Chris said.. Best Albums: 1) Nirvana - With The Lights Out...I know, I know. It's a collection (some classify it a re-issue - I can argue that one) and technically shouldn't qualify for this list but most of this box is new to my ears and will be to yours as well. For me, this is the most important rock release since Nevermind in '91. I dare you listen to this personal, historical journey without getting weepy. Sad yet thoroughly exhilarating. Easily, the most important release of the year. OK, I'm starting to get nervous! Chris posted this almost 18 hours ago! Yet still no word from Bob Segarini!!! I can only assume something has happened. Perhaps he's driven off the road, cold, stuck in a ditch somewhere! Is it time to call out for a search party? Said with warmth on a frigid day in Minnesota. Steve D NP: Scott Walker "In 5 Easy Pieces": discs 1-"In my room". Better then a hot cup of cocoa.