Greg York wrote: > No offense to any of you BB fanatics, but I > wonder what it means if something that was written/composed almost 40 > years ago ends up being the Audities #1 of 2004. Here's what it means to me - 'SMiLE' was finally finished and released in 2004; I experienced it in an objective manner; I loved it on the first listen and continued to love it on repeated plays. I enjoyed those listening experiences to a greater degree than anything else I heard in 2004, so I ranked it as my #1 for the year. Had the album not been released or if I thought instead that 'SMiLE' after all these years was a big piece o' crap, everything on my list would have moved up and Green Day would have taken the lead. Same thing would've occurred if Green Day hadn't released 'American Idiot;' the Finn Brothers would've been my #2. And then there's that Franz Ferdinand...but I digress. I understand the implication of the question but I think it's irrelevant since we're talking about a 2004 release. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Bill __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around