<< Gary, why is this being sold? Just curious. Marsden was certainly a big part of the "soundtrack of my youth". >> Me too, Hersh !! "David the Marsden" (as he used to call himself at the height -- pun intended -- of his early Seventies reign on CHUM-FM Toronto) not only conducted possibly the definitive F. Zappa interview of the era (circa "Overnite Sensation"), but used to play the then incredibly un-hip Beach Boys' "Long Promised Road" OVER and OVER and then OVER again, back in the daze. That was right about when I finally fingered out how to hook my brand new Canadian Tire AM/FM/Cassette deck up to our old 12-inch console TV speaker cabinet downstairs, and.... and.... Gary "my parents suddenly bought me the first in a series of Radio Shack headphones immediately thereafter" Pig