<< > I am guessing you did not make a New Year's resolution of tolerance. > > --- Barry Schlom >> The fact that I've had a particularly bad week (my dog, a shiba inu named Yojimbo that was my best friend, got off his collar and was hit by a car on the morning of New Years Day) means that I'm probably more willing than usual to be a complete ass about this, but can we do something to get this O'Shanter guy kicked off the list, please? I mean, really. Are we adults or what? This is ridiculous, and I'm sick of people coming on here just to be narcissistic assholes and play little internet mind games. Having legitimate disagreements about music is one thing, but people like this aren't worth my time, and I doubt they're worth anyone else's either. And, for the record Mr. "O'Shanter", comments like yours aren't "edgy" or "provocative", they're just plain stupid. So don't pull this censorship BS: you've yet to offer one shred of worth to this list. I know I'm going to get a few "oh just ignore him" comments, but do we really want to put up with this for another six months, like we did with the last few snerts? Let's just get it over with. --Jason