Oh Stewart...don't be such a pessimist! Dogs Die...or the Futureheads will be on the cover of SPIN before you know it! The hype machine works well in the U.S. At least until the next trend in retro rock comes about. I predict hair metal will be huge by 2010. Jeff P.S. And here's a pat on my own back for not telling you to "fuck off" or calling you a "dick". I was just expressing my opinion. Go crawl back in your hole, you curmudgeon. ----- Original Message ----- > Fuck off. Snappy enough for you? > > Thank you for knowing me better than I know myself, and for knowing > that I only like Franz Ferdinand because I was told to. Apparently, > the fact that they sound an awful lot like two of my favorite bands of > all time has no bearing on why I like them, and what a clever dick you > are for figuring that out! Have a biscuit! > > Incidentally, by your logic, we're also not allowed to like Dogs Die > In Hot Cars and the Futureheads, two bands working the same side of > the '80s post-punk revivalism street who -- SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- > are also on the Audities Top 20 list, even though they haven't gotten > nearly as much press and exactly zero radio play in the states. > > S >