Holy cow guys! This Cars tribute is just amazing. I've said several times before that the Cars are sort of the root of all of my tastes--I like a little art in my pop, and I like things that have shiny surfaces but crunchy middles. The first five Cars albums (we'll ignore "Door To Door") are about as close to perfection as you can get, I think. This tribute not only finds bands reinterpreting tons of great Cars tracks--and nearly all of them doing it very, very well--but it makes me want to check out a lot of the individual bands' CDs too. And BIG kudos to Bruce for getting The Bravery--whose new single is in heavy rotation on Boston's WFNX--right as they're on the way up, as well as other big-ish names from just outside the pop ghetto, like Action Action. I was at first disappointed to see OKGO and Rooney (who were originally rumored to be here) absent, and I feel that Fountains of Wayne absolutely SHOULD have been here, but I'm picking nits. This one is just utterly delicious, and I think it's a MUST for just about everyone here. Thanks and congratulations Bruce!! --Jason