Normally Divine Comedy would never be compared with Radiohead in case anyone gets the wrong idea. That album is the odd man out in their career really, lots of downbeat songs and produced by Radiohead producer Nigel Godrich. It's also the only real 'band' album where everyone was given input into the sound. Normally Neil Hannon takes the lead there. If you're still interested in exporing further then as Stewart said Promenade is worth a punt although Casanova is also very good. There is also a Best Of album out that takes tracks from all their records. Worth seeing live too if you get the chance. Mark On Wed, 05 Jan 2005 19:18:02 -0500, POPESMOKES wrote: > I thought Iıd respond to this one if only because my audities digest just > came into my email box and I am playing their Regeneration album at > considerable volume as I was reading it! > > Iım ashamed to say Iıd never even heard this band until just before > Christmas when my friend David Celia who has opened for them a lot both here > and in the UK lent me this CD. Suffice to say he has not got it back and I > play it 3 or 4 times a week. Incredible songwriting...wry, witty lyrics, > sublime arrangements and an overall tone that is not a million miles away > from the best Radiohead stuff, without the misery. Iıll even go out on a > limb and suggest that this album is better than anything Radiohead have put > out, even The Bends. > > Now that I have pretty much consumed this album, can any more seasoned fans > tell me which album to buy next? > > Luke > > P.S. FINALLY got The Perishers last album from Parasol and have listened to > it a dozen times in the last three days. Incredible stuff. Any fans of > Travis will Lur-huv it! >