There is still so much I have not heard, but based on what I have here is my list for 2004 1] Swan Dive-”William and Marly’s” with put a doubt the best songwriting and singing heard all year. The addition of strings made it all the more astonishing. 2]Rufus Wainwright-”Want Two” Last year’s #1-this year’s #2.No stopping this amazing talent. 3]A girl called Eddy- “dusty”, smokey, torchy and stunning female vocals. 4]David Grahame- “Eric” So indie you have to read about it first,then find it.Once you do you are glad you did.He puts out his own product. Minimal packaging- maximum pop.Find of the year. 5]Chris Stamey- “Travels in the South” Return of the DB’s master showing us all how it’s done- that is how to make a perfect pop album. 6]Kevin Thista’s Red Terror- “Wake up Captain” 17 track song cycle- an orch pop masterpiece! 7]Sukilove- “You kill me” Last year’s major discovery with a new exciting album. His “Lennon” album [last one was more McCartney] as his primal scream is heard on the title cut. A real grower. 8]Divine Comedy- “Absent Friends” It was on a plane to Buenos Aires that I really connected with how terrific this album is [something about planes and music]. It screams Scott Walker plus I think the theme from “Bonanza” is on it. 9]Mendoza Line- “Fortune”-This group refuses to look back-just keeps moving on and getting better all the time. One of America’s best bands. Really! 10]Apostle of Hustle- “Folkloric Feel” Splinter from Broken Social Scene. An “all over the musical map” type listen- but a rewarding one. Each listen is a new experience. 11] Todd Rundgren- “Liars” His best in ages backed by an awesome tour. We still scream for more pop. 12] Ron Sexsmith- “Retriever” His best yet- and that is saying a lot. 13] Fiery Furnaces- “Blueberry Boat” Sprawling epic that is almost too much at times.Does it mean anything? Of course- Rock and roll is here to stay! 14]Nellie McKay-”Get away from me” From her early appearance on Letterman, I knew she was a star. She is a triple threat- and so young. Plenty of sass. 15] Sonic Youth- “Sonic Nurse” Mr. O’Rourke has them sounding better than ever. Through the controlled noise are melodies that ring true. 16] timewellspent- 2 guys with plenty of pop mood. Can’t wait for more. 17] King Radio- “Are you the sick passenger” Pristine pop ala the Pernice Brothers.This simply soars. 18]Eugene Edwards -” My favorite Revolution” Smart power pop in the Elvis C. vein. Watch this guy grow. 19] Tan Sleeve-”Bad from both sides” Pure pop for “now “ people. 20] Hepburns-”Last thing I saw before I said Goodbye” Surprising return of this British pop band. Caught me way off guard. 21] Jens Lekman- “When I said I wanted to be your Dog” New “Boy Wonder’ from Sweden. Impressive start. One to watch. 22] Sondre Lerche- “Two way Monologue” His second and it picks up right where the first left off. Another Boy Wonder. Recording of Special Merit Brian Wilson- “Smile”-worth the wait for this masterpiece. Everyone needs to hear this.I could not see placing this in a top list .It stands alone. Song of the year Heavy Blinkers- “Try telling that to my baby” I get chills each time they sing “She’s tearing apart my world”. Music I still need to hear- Wilco, A. C. Newman, Rilo Kiley, Velvet Crush, Third Dimension and many many more. Happy New Year Gene