As one member on the list might well point out, these old recordings were made in the first place to be played on the equipment of the time-- say, 45 RPM phonographs. So you can't really make them sound "better" by remixing, re-mastering, layering new technology into the mix, because they sounded so great on your old phonograph or on the transistor radio you held up to one ear. These songs weren't made for lasers and stereos. Can anything make "Be My Baby" sound better than it did to Brian Wilson the day he had to pull his car over to hear it? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Billy G. Spradlin" > There was talk about differences in the stereo/mixes mixes of "Wonderful > Summer" by Robin Ward (a real guilty pleasure, Dot 1963) on Spectropop > earlier > this year. Pulled out my old 45 to compare - and the mono mix is so much > better > than the stereo which sounds weak. Its not the first time I heard a 45 > sound > better than the CD. Many Motown and Spector classics still sound better > than > the remastered versions.