As the original poster, I will admit to jumping the gun. However, I stand by my original point -- Elvis Presley generates $45 million a year for the family. Lisa Marie sold the name and likeness rights, forevermore for $100 million to help erase $25 million in debt. Despite their "picking over the corpse," you could at least be reasonably certain that there are some lines even kin won't cross. There are no such reassurances for a publicly held company. What if Elvis' "stock" begins to nosedive? What sorts of acts of corporate prostitution might the new owners stoop to shore up the bottom line? And I don't care what you say -- Lisa Marie sold her father's estate's for peanuts. The sales price is 3 years' worth of earnings -- a pittance in the grand scheme of things. It strikes me as tremendously shortsighted. john micek.