Mandatory Listening indeed. I bought the Solid Smoke vinyl version of the Johnny Burnette Trio back during the 80's rockabilly revival (Robert Gordon, Straycats, Polecats, etc) since some of their work was covered by those artists. Man, was that album a revelation. Johnny's screams must have blown out quite a few microphones. Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't most of the Coral sessions recorded in New York City? I am surprised that most of tracks for those sessions consisted of only the 3 of them. Those songs are so wild and raw, it is really surprising that the powers that be did not try to sweeten all of them up with strings and background singers. (The tracks that were "glopped up" are horrible, IMHO). Most original Rockabilly artists (with the notable exceptions of Elvis or Carl Perkins) seem to be regarded as a blip on the timeline since most of their careers were quite brief. But when you consider that they mixed together black rhythm and blues and white country music during the segregated, conservative mid 1950's, I think the case can be made that they were quite radical and revolutionary. ...and certainly deserving a spot in the RRHF. Mark E.