i saw this on the CNN website today checking my mail and stuff while en route home from Seattle.... to be honest, this freaked me out.... this is extremely extremely disturbing for all working musicians - to think that someone can walk in on your gig and start shooting at you, your fans, your family, whatever.... i don't find any of it very funny, to be honest... the repercussions of this are very very serious... in a bizarre coincidence, i had just bought the new Mojo with John Peel on the cover and reading about the london gig in the 70s where Frank zappa was pushed off the stage by some nutbar. The monitor also fell on him breaking his leg, neck, whatever.... it was never clear why the guy did it - either because he was jealous of his girlfriend liking frank or he felt zappa hadn't given him his money's worth..... like many people who are sometimes in the public eye as a performer or whatever, you are a target - i was freaked out a few years ago when i started getting weird collage letters threatening me and then my wife got one when her picture was in the paper for a story on brides to be and their wedding dresses (!!!)... and email is a neat new way to send anonymous scary threats also - i was deluged about 4 years ago with crazy emails and they finally stopped when i told the guy to read what he was sending me, i had gotten it the day i heard my mom had cancer, i mean, what the f**? It can happen to anybody. food for thought. prayers and thoughts for a fellow musician first and foremost. ralph