Yeah this sucks, I live 2 miles away from the bar and my band The Vague has played there a few times,We opened for Ace Frehley there. But I played there alot in the early 90's in a different band. The place is known as a metal bar but they have had Guided By Voices, Reggae acts, and others that have played there. It's a cool place to play for bands, most recently they have turned to the Nu-Metal crowd so we haven't played there in 3 years. I'm not a huge Pantera fan at all, but my roommate is and has partied with Dimebag and is bummed. It kinda sucks that this is what The Alrosa Villa is going to be known for instead of a great rock club for the last 25 years. Chuck Oney The Vague n/p Cat Scratch Fever-Pantera