At Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 08:13:26 Mark wrote: >Hmmm...would it have happenned at all if he was known as "Delicious >Darrell" instead of "Dimebag >Darrell"?? Now THERE'S an interesting >question.....sometimes ya get what ya ask for! Not that it >makes murder >right in ANY circumstance mind you.... Sorry I brought this up. The incident was senseless....for none of the obvious reasons. My indifference to the shooting comes from the long-standing US gun policy. If you're an American and you've been shot by a gun you've gotta be held accountable as well. But, please I do respect this forum enough not to start a big broo-haha on here about this issue. It's contentious and grossly off topic. So, if you want to flame me about this do it off-line...and not on this list. Of course, I reserve the right to ignore any and all emails about the subject too. Jaimie Vernon, Bullseye Records