I don't "pretend" to make the HOF into a big deal...I don't even think I've sat through a show...but I love The Pretenders and I love the fact that they are getting some "props". Maybe it's a glass is half-full attitude, but I can usually agree w/ one nominee each year (Talking Heads, Clash, Pretenders recently - can you guess when I grew up). Obviously they are going to miss essential artists and someone else's "questionable" favorites are going to make it. But taken for what it (really) is, they are trying to appeal across the board to many people. That said, I'll defend The Pretenders based on the '83 show I saw in San Francisco - The best show I've ever seen (The Alarm were the openers). I've seen them 3 times since and they've always been stellar...even when supporting less-than-stellar albums. Also, the phenomenal 1st album's promise was cut-short by the death of two members - and Chrissie soldiered on - Bring on the backlash about how she should've changed the name. Add to that 2 solid albums (The 1st & Learning To Crawl) PLUS The string of singles from the other albums AND the great interpretations of Davies, Hendrix and others AND the cross-generational appeal that they've had makes them a legit & worthy choice...The "best" choice? Maybe not. Better/Worthy artists out there? Definitely. - But I'm still happy they're going and I don't care about who was skipped or who got in w/ them. I just like to see bands/songs/albums I like make a list once in awhile...and that's all the HOF is to me, another list. Thanks Dan FrankE NP: Marah "20,000 Streets Under The Sky" ****************************CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT*********************** E-MAIL AND/OR ITS ATTACHMENT(S) IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT MAY BE CONFIDENTIAL, PROPRIETARY AND PRIVILEGED. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OF THIS E-MAIL, OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING IT TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISCLOSURE, DISSEMINATION OR COPYING OF THE CONTENT OF THIS E-MAIL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE SENDER AND DELETE THIS E-MAIL FROM YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM.